Hypnotherapist Resources

Below are many resources for hypnotherapists to deepen your practice and insights into this useful technique.


The Unconscious Mind, Dream Work and Active Imagination in Therapy article explores the nature of the unconscious, superconscious and conscious minds and how dream analysis and active imagination can help achieve your goals in practical life.

Modalities, Language, Therapist Techniques and Session Exploration explores the work of Bandler & Grinder from their books The Structure of Magic. Their work casts positive insights into how people communicate and forms the basis of neuro-linguistic programming and hypnotherapy that is helpful for all therapists to help their clients communicate more effectively, develop more harmonious relationships and achieve their goals.


Recommended Books

Jay Haley – Uncommon Therapy

Rossi, Ryan & Sharp – Healing in Hypnosis

Stevens – Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming

Jung – Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Johnson – Inner Work

Grinder & Bandler – The Structure of Magic I and II

Bandler & Grinder – Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H Erickson


Hypnotherapy Scripts and Screeds

Please find scripts below to show the application of hypnotherapy techniques embedded in scripting:

Demonstration Script with Rapid Eye Induction


Therapist Personal Development in Hypnotherapy

Students can find some very useful resources for overcoming some of their own issues. Some videos channels below have been useful for myself:

Michael Sealey

Minds in Unison

Steven Roth


Youtube Videos

Jeffrey Zeig was trained with Erickson and presents and interesting seminar here.

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Milton Erickson talks about a client he helped with depression. Here he speaks when he was ill and so speaks very slowly but every word is an inspiration.

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An interesting video about Erickson’s Autohypnosis

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Jung To Live By provides a video on Chevreul’s pendulum for Ideo-motor techniques of hyonotherapy

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An interesting video from the same team about hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and the transference:

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An excellent case study of the use for hypnotherapy:

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© Martin Handy 2022