Shadow Work Coaching

Some clients wish to explore their goals by working on the very themes and issues that are holding them back, their inner shadow or personal unconscious. Our shadow is deeply related to uncovering the ‘buried treasure’ within as Carl Jung, the depth psychologist, described.

The shadow consists of all the parts of ourselves that we do not want to see or show to the world. It consists of shadow behaviours and shadow archetypes that are easily identified in our personality. By exploring these aspects of ourselves we can find out more about our hidden fears and agendas and integrate them in a more healthy way and let go of negative behaviours, reactions, habits, fears and anxieties.

Shadow work integration is a field that is quite different from counselling in that the coach helps you work through your blocks and repression, through direct psyche-education, resources, books, articles, and videos to explore important concepts and subjects. You can go on to discover those shadow components of your personality and release and integrate them through journaling, discussion, art, creative work, exercises, psychosomatic (body) work, home tasks and reading to name a few.

Shadow work is a rejuvenating and creative process and session work is often done weekly or fortnightly to get the best results and help you towards greater fulfilment and self-knowledge and purpose and meaning in life.